How to Change Your Ring Tone in Your BlackBerry Pearl 8100

It is easy to personalize your BlackBerry by using a sound of your choice as the ring tone. You can use downloaded ring tones, songs or voice notes as the ring tone of your BlackBerry Pearl 8100. You can create voice notes by recording and saving sounds on the phone. BlackBerry ring tones can be downloaded free from the Internet. You can also download ring tone software to create your own ring tones, modify the ring tones you have or convert MP3 songs into ring tones.

1.Select the "Advanced" option in the notification profile list.
2.Choose a notification profile.
3.Press the "Menu" key.
4.Click on "Show Tunes."
5.Choose the folder that contains the media file for your new ring tone.
6.Highlight the media file you want to set up as your new ring tone.
7.Press the "Menu" key.
8.Click "Set as phone tune."

Tips & Warnings
You can change the ring style by selecting the appropriate profile. The ring style can be set to loud, vibrate, quiet, normal, phone on or off. The "Profiles" icon can be located when you press the "Menu" key.

To create a voice note, follow these steps:
1. Go to "Voice Notes."
2. Click "Record."

To download ring tones follow these steps:
1. Navigate to "Media Application."
2. Click "All Ring Tones."
3. Press the "Menu" key.
4. Click "Download Tunes."
3. Click "Pause" to pause recording.
4. Click "Stop" to stop recording.
5. Save the voice note to a file.
You can save and send voice notes only if the service is supported by your wireless service provider.

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