How to Delete Apps From the BlackBerry Curve

In addition to using your BlackBerry Curve for basic tasks such as making calls and sending text messages, you can use your smartphone to download apps from BlackBerry App World. These apps can range from simple games to serious productivity tools that help you manage your business. At some point, you may find your BlackBerry Curve's screen is cluttered with apps that you no longer use. You have the option of deleting these apps rather than simply hiding them.

1.Click the "BlackBerry App World" icon on your BlackBerry. This looks like a black circle with the same pattern of white dots imprinted on your "Menu" button inside. Clicking this icon opens the BlackBerry App World.

2.Scroll to highlight the "My World" icon in the bottom right corner of the BlackBerry App World home screen. Click this icon to open "My World," which displays a list of your apps.

3.Scroll down to highlight the app you wish to remove in the list that appears. Then, press the "Menu" button to bring up a list of options.

4.Click the "Delete" or "Uninstall" option in the list that appears. Your BlackBerry will ask if you are sure that you want to delete the app in question. Highlight and click the "Delete" option. Wait a moment to allow your BlackBerry to delete the app. Repeat this process for any other apps you wish to remove.

Tips & Warnings
You may need to restart your BlackBerry to finish removing the deleted apps. If this is necessary, your BlackBerry will prompt you to do a restart.

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