How to Install a New Cable TV Receptical

A TV receptical constitutes any method used by a television system to receive TV programming. This includes a cable/satellite receiver or an old-fashioned antenna. Depending on the device and the quality of the picture, the connection process may vary, but it usually only takes a few minutes to completely set up the equipment, regardless of the hardware you are using.

1.Connect the digital antenna into the "In" port on the digital to analog converter box, if using an antenna. Plug the coaxial cable into the "Out" port on the converter box, then insert the opposite end of the cable into the "In" port on the TV. Power on the converter box and the TV to begin viewing the programming.

2.Insert the component video cables into the "Component Out" ports on the cable/satellite receiver. This method is used for both devices when the equipment is standard definition. Plug the opposite ends of the cables into the "Component In" ports on the TV. Insert the RCA audio cables into the "Audio Out" ports on the receiver, then connect the free ends of the cables into the "Audio In" ports on the television.

3.Connect the HDMI cable into the "HDMI Out" port on the high definition cable/satellite receiver. Insert the other end of the cable into an "HDMI In" port on the HDTV. You are now set to begin viewing high definition programming.

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