Determine How Much Computer RAM Memory You Need for Vista or XP

Find out how much computer RAM memory you need to run Windows Vista or XP efficiently. Most Computer don't have enough memory installed, causing them to run slowly.

1.Most computers purchased from a retail store or even online from the manufacturer are equipped with a minimal amount of memory to keep prices low. If you have less than 1GB in Windows XP or less than 2GB in Windows Vista, your computer could be performing slower than it was designed for. Adding more memory can actually speed up your computer a great deal, as I've proven to hundreds of people already.

Take the steps below to find out how much memory you need and how much you have now.

2.How much memory do I need?

- Windows XP (Home or Professional): If you have less than 1GB of memory on XP, your PC will run faster with more memory. Windows XP Home or Professional versions will run decent with 1GB of memory, though 2GB is recommended for power users (who run more than 2-3 programs or open more than a few windows at a time). The maximum memory you can install for XP is 4GB (although it will only show around 3.5GB when you check the system properties as indicated below. Your computer itself may have a lower memory maximum it will accept. See below to find out how much the computer will allow.

- Windows Vista: Windows Vista requires much more memory than XP. If you have less than 2GB of memory in any version of Vista, your PC will run faster with more memory. For Vista Ultimate or Business versions, you'll want to add 3-4GB to preserve your sanity. Vista will allow a maximum of 4GB (may show less is installed in the System Properties. See below to find out how much the computer will allow.

Although Microsoft shows recommended minimum memory requirements on their website, this is only enough to barely run XP or Vista (and at an agonizingly slow pace at that!

3.Find out how much memory you have in your computer:

- For Windows XP: Click Start, then right click "My Computer" and choose "Properties". Click the top tab named "General" if needed and look for XX of RAM above the Support Information button.

- For Windows Vista: Do the same as above or Click Start > Control Panel > Performance & Maintenance > System. Click the top tab named "General" if needed and look for XX of RAM above the Support Information button.

Tips & Warnings
Memory is the cheapest performance boost you can buy for your computer.

Installing memory is about as easy as installing a light bulb.

Buying memory online can be much cheaper than from retail stores, but buy from a respected online memory store such as

If you're not sure what memory you need, let an expert help you determine this for you. This will save you some headaches.

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