Information on the Dell Latitude D600 Laptop

The Dell Latitude D600 was a Laptop that multinational technology company Dell Inc. manufactured in the early 2000s. It was part of the Latitude lineup of computers designed for business use.

Dell Inc. introduced the Dell Latitude D600 in March 2003. The desktop arrived at a time when Dell Inc was redesigning its business Laptop to be more aesthetically pleasing and efficient. It was designed to be smaller and sleeker version of its predecessor, the C600. As of July 2010, the laptop is no longer in production.

Main Features
The Dell Latitude D600 was built on the Intel Pentium M Processor and 855 chipset, which were new at the time. Other features included a maximum memory capacity of 2 GB, a maximum hard drive capacity of 60GB, a 32MB ATI Mobility Radeon 9000 graphics chip, a 14.1-inch TFT display and a CD/DVD optical drive.

Writers praised the Dell Latitude D600 as one of the best-performing Intel Pentium M-based systems, as well as overall refinement over the preceding C600 series. The laptop lost points, however, for lacking backward compatibility with Latitude C-series docking stations and media modules. Some writers noted that it fell short of matching the quality of industry leader, at the time, Acer.

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